再來放一首Warpaint不錯聽的歌 Stars
拍攝於LA的Angeles National Forest(安琪兒國家森林區)的梣樹(白蠟林)中
不過這次也找不到歌詞了 反正聽也聽不太出來她唱什麼
這次的歌詞很簡單 且重複性高 就不翻譯了
oh wonderful one why are you like that
oh wonderful one why are you like that
glow in the darkness that's how we do it
glow in the darkness that's how we do it
just like the stars upon your ceiling that
put you to sleep after
put you to sleep after
put you to sleep after
oh wonderful one why are you like that
oh wonderful one why are you like that
glow in the darkness that's how we do it
glow in the darkness that's how we do it
just like the stars upon your ceiling that
put you to sleep after
just like the stars upon your ceiling that
put you to sleep after
put you to sleep after
put you to sleep after
[...] in the darkness of your room
in your room
in your room
in your room
in your room
headache damn it at your talk-talk-talk
hanging with your feet-feet-feet
hanging with your feet [...]
we are apart
and again
and again
and again
that doesn't make sense
put away your [...]
over [...]
at you [...]
after [...]
again [...]
and in the end they ask you for your reply
don't you tell them what you found out
there is time