MEW 海鷗樂團
1995年在丹麥哥本哈根附近成立 現居於英國倫敦
他們授瞪鞋派(Shoegaze) 像是我很愛的My bloody Valentine
作曲 編曲是由全部團員所作 但作詞都是由主唱Joans Bjerre負責 歌詞大多是來自於他的夢魘 (噩夢~難道這首也是?)
他會把這些惡夢拍成動畫 用於演唱會背景螢幕 這也是Mew的最大特色之一
他們的音樂有一種夢幻式高亢的歌嗓音 這不是天生的!
是因為當初在練團時 隔音太差 (會吸音) 沒辦法聽到自己的歌聲 為了聽見而練出的高音!
下面這張圖是團的標誌 由主唱Joans Bjerre畫的
Mew Angel (還滿潦草的~...)
由左至右:Bo Madsen,Jonas Bjerre,Johan Wohlert(2004年離團),Silas Utke Graae Jørgensen
他們繪製的圖 作成了一個小遊戲
讓我想到Linkin Park的8-bit遊戲Rebellion
Are you my lady, are you?
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?
Are you my lady, are you?
Are you my lady, are you?
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?
If I don't make it back from the city,
If I don't make it back from the city,
Then it is only because I am drawn away.
Then it is only because I am drawn away.
For you see, evidently there's a dark storm coming,
For you see, evidently there's a dark storm coming,
就你看來 很明顯地有一黑色颶風來到
And the chain on my swing is squeaking like a mouse.
And the chain on my swing is squeaking like a mouse.
So are you my lady, are you?
So are you my lady, are you?
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?
Are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?(雨還在下,車仍然停住不動)
You're tall just like a giraffe,
Are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?(雨還在下,車仍然停住不動)
You're tall just like a giraffe,
You have to climb to find it's head.
You have to climb to find it's head.
But if there's a glitch, you're an ostrich,
But if there's a glitch, you're an ostrich,
如果某些事情出錯 你就有鴕鳥心態
You've got your head in the sand.
You've got your head in the sand.
In a submersible I can hardly breathe,
In a submersible I can hardly breathe,
As it takes me inside, so the light sings.
As it takes me inside, so the light sings.
猶如帶我沉入 就這樣燈光開始飄唱
aswer me truthfully, do the clouds kiss you?
aswer me truthfully, do the clouds kiss you?
With meringue-coloured hair, I know they cannot.
With meringue-coloured hair, I know they cannot.
So are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
So are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
所以你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?(雨還在下,車仍然停住不動)
Are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?(雨還在下,車仍然停住不動)
Santa Ana winds bring seasickness
Are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?(雨還在下,車仍然停住不動)
Santa Ana winds bring seasickness
Zookeeper hear me out:
Zookeeper hear me out:
How dare you go? (Cold in the rain.)
How dare you go? (Cold in the rain.)
Tall just like a giraffe,
Tall just like a giraffe,
You have to climb to find it's head.
You have to climb to find it's head.
But if there's a glitch, you're an ostrich,
But if there's a glitch, you're an ostrich,
You've got your head in the sand.
You've got your head in the sand.
Are you my lady, are you?
Are you my lady, are you?
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?
Are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
Are you my lady, are you? (The rain is falling down, the cars remain.)
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎?(雨還在下,車仍然停住不動)
Are you my lady, are you? (I could not be seen with you, working half the time
Are you my lady, are you? (I could not be seen with you, working half the time
你是我所愛的戀人嗎 妳是嗎? (我不能被看到我和你在一起)
Working half the time and looking fine
工作到一半時 看起來還不錯
In cars re-made
In cars re-made